Sunday, 10 November 2013

LUSH - Brazened Honey Face Mask Review

Hi guys, as you may already know, I recently popped into Lush to do a bit of pamper shopping. I've always wanted to try out one of their face masks, so I picked up Brazened Honey, here's the description - 

Been burning the candle both ends? A detox mask to put things right
It’s hard to stick to all the rules. Eight hours sleep a night, two litres of water a day, plenty of exercise, five fruit and veg etc. This mask is for when you have overdone things and let the rules slide. A detox to get tired and dull skin back to being radiant and glowing.

I was so disappointed with this product! I felt like it did nothing but make my face cold? Like yeah okay that's refreshing for about 30 seconds, but it really doesn't make a noticeable difference to my skin. I don't feel like it achieves it's goal of making the skin more radient either.  However, I was pleased with the smell as it's very natural and it feels very clean on your face. Also, the person in Lush said it would only last 5-6 masks, but I got 10 uses out of it, even with a generous layer, so that was the best thing about it.
I'm not going to rule out all face masks just because this one was a disappointment, because I feel like maybe this product just didn't work for me? I'm definitely planning on trying a few more face masks from Lush though. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, unless you just want to feel refreshed for a few minutes.

If you guys could comment telling me what kind of posts you like and if you want more reviews then tell me exactly what products you want me to try out for you :)

Rosie xxx

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